FE type / FB type
Excellent chip control! 2 types of chip breakers cover wide range conditions of feed!!
Recommended Work Material
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Excellent chip control!
2 types of chip breakers cover wide range conditions of feed!!
・2 types of chip breakers cover wide range conditions of feed!!
・Extensive product lines are available to meet various machining requirements.
・The positive insert chipbreaker FB type is also availabe.
FE type

Work material : STKM13A (Pipe steel)
Insert:CNMG120408N-FE (AC8025P)
Cutting conditions: vc=200m/min , f=0.4mm/rev , ap=0.2mm , Dry
FB type

Work material:SCM415
Insert:CNMG120408N-FB (T1500A)
Cutting conditions: vc=200m/min , f=0.1mm/rev , ap=0.5mm , Wet
Application Range

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