Lens, Mirror for Fiber Laser & YAG Laser



We have various optical components to make maximum use of laser processing.

●High Performance Beam Expander

It reduces losses and suppresses beam quality degradation, thermal lens effect by minimizing number of configuration lenses. It achieves compact size with short focus lens and suppresses beam axis deviation. Galilean designs, combining a convex lens with a concave lens, is adopted for the lens configuration. This configuration doesn’t have a focal point can be used with high-power lasers. It has a beam divergence adjustment mechanism. It is available a fixed magnification and variable magnification (zoom).

●Zoom Collimator

Spot diameter (transfer magnification) can be continuously varied, adaptable to various processing. Adopting aspheric lenses reduces aberrations and realizes zoom function with two lenses.

Spec Examples

Beam Expanders
Fixed Magnification (High Performance Type)

Scroll horizontally

Cat. No. Wavelength (nm) Magnification Clear Input Aperture ø (mm) Clear Output Apertureø (mm) Externalø×Length (mm)
BXHA4 X2-25-45 266 2 25 45 70 × 130
BXHA3 X2-25-45 355 2 70 × 130
BXHA3 X3-25-45 3 70 × 185
BXHA3 X4-25-45 4 70 × 225
BXHA2 X2-25-45 532 2 70 × 130
BXHA2 X3-25-45 3 70 × 185
BXHA2 X4-25-45 4 70 × 225
BXHA2 X5-25-45 5 70 × 235
BXHA1 X2-25-45 1050 to 1080 2 70 × 130
BXHA1 X3-25-45 3 70 × 185
BXHA1 X4-25-45 4 70 × 225
BXHA1 X5-25-45 5 70 × 235
BXHA1 X6-25-45 6 70 × 250

Variable Magnification (Zoom)

Scroll horizontally

Cat. No. Wavelength (nm) Magnification Clear Input Aperture ø (mm) Clear Output Apertureø (mm) Externalø×Length (mm)
ZXA3 X3-5-17-27 355 3 to 5 17 27 70 × 251
ZXA2 X3-5-17-27 532
ZXA1 X3-5-17-27 1050 to 1080

*Please ask if you require other specifications.

Product Inquiry

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